Saturday, November 28, 2009

Top climate scientist: UN involvement (IPCC) is raw politics.

  • Obama, save your girly-man strength and forced grin for appearances on Oprah and the like.
The taxpayer-your actual employer-knows there is no such thing as man-made global warming or climate change. Even if global warming existed, no amount of raping the US taxpayer would cure it. If this bothers you, RESIGN.
  • Prof. Mike Hulme, from NY Times Dot Earth via Watt's Up:
""[Upcoming UN climate conference in Copenhagen] “is about raw politics, not about the politics of science.
The tribalism that some of the leaked emails display is something more usually associated with social organization within primitive cultures; it is not attractive when we find it at work inside science. It is also possible that the institutional innovation that has been the I.P.C.C. has run its course. Yes, there will be an AR5 but for what purpose?
just at a time when a globalizing and wired cosmopolitan culture is demanding of science something
  • much more open and inclusive.""
"UEA Climate Scientist: "Possible that...IPCC has run it's course," via Watt's Up with That

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