Monday, February 25, 2013

Why Detroit still matters in words and pictures

2/24/13, "Why Detroit Still Matters," deweyfromDetroit, via Legal Insurrection, William A. Jacobson

"Dewey from Detroit went silent after Election Day 2012.
It was a sign of the approaching winter of our discontent, as many conservative blogs either went silent or went on life support with just enough posts to keep them breathing.
It hasn’t been easy keeping on keeping on, particularly as the Republican leadership let us down and proved itself most adept at taking punches without hitting back.
I’ve wondered when we would snap out of it.
Maybe this is a sign of hope.
Dewey has returned to the nearly dead City of Detroit, with a monster and wonderful post, Why Detroit Still Matters
Dewey says much of what needs to be said in photos, like this pairing (more here):"



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